Event Details
Event Description
The event will discuss the many opportunities and challenges presented by the big data collected by hospitals, pharmaceutical and insurance companies, universities, and government agencies. Although there is rich information in these data that can be used to significantly improve personalized health management and disease treatment, a number of barriers need to be broken down to allow both easy sharing and secure protection of diverse and unstructured data. Furthermore, efficient and robust computational approaches need to be developed and implemented to mine these data. Dr. Zhao will illustrate some of these issues with both successful and failed examples.
Event Language
The language of the event will be Chinese.
Registration and Payment
Ticket :
Purchase in advance: RMB 15 for students; RMB 60 for others.
Purchase at the door: RMB 100.
Please note: All attendee information collected by Yale Center Beijing through the event registration form on this website, or by any other means, will be kept strictly confidential. Yale Center Beijing will never distribute, sell, license, or otherwise make available for any purpose, any attendee information to any third party, unless otherwise required by law.