Event Details

Event Description

Brought to you by Philanthropy In Motion and Yale Center Beijing, the “Innovation for Impact” Summit will bring together leaders in social innovation and philanthropy to showcase ways to solve age-old problems of inequality and debate the tricky questions that every changemaker needs to think about: how to create scale, collaborate with big players in governments and businesses, balance mission and money, and more. Focusing on the potential of the next generation, new types of socially conscious enterprise, and systematic solutions to long-standing problems of inequality, speakers from a diverse array of backgrounds will offer their experiences and unique insights to inspire the next generation.


The language of the event will be English. (The "Concert for a Cause" session will be in Chinese)

Registration and Payment (Each Session)

Morning Program: RMB 60

Lunch with Speakers & Concert for a Cause: RMB 120

Afternoon Program: RMB 60

Please note: All attendee information collected by Yale Center Beijing through the event registration form on this website, or by any other means, will be kept strictly confidential. Yale Center Beijing will never distribute, sell, license, or otherwise make available for any purpose, any attendee information to any third party, unless otherwise required by law.


09:15 - 09:45
09:45 - 09:55
Welcome Remarks
Jasmine Lau, Co-Founder, Philanthropy in Motion (PIM), Yale '12

Joyce Wang, Deputy Director, Yale Center Beijing
09:55 - 10:20
Keynote Speech: Innovation for Impact: Reducing Inequality for the Next Generation
10:20 - 10:30
Break & Networking
10:30 - 12:00
Big Bets for Reducing Inequality
12:00 - 14:00
Lunch Buffet with Speakers and Concert for a Cause
14:00 - 16:00
Panel: Millennial Impact-Mission & Money


  • Yanni Peng (Secretary-General, Narada Foundation)

    Yanni Peng

    Secretary-General, Narada Foundation

    Peng Yanni has over 20 years of experience in the field of civil society, service, social enterprise, and social investment. She is Secretary-General of Narada Foundation and is based in Beijing. She was Executive Director of United in Diversity China Fund of GT Group from October 2011 to November 2012 and successfully brought a tri-sector leadership program from MIT to China. She worked for the British Council for eight years from 2003 to 2011.

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  • Elizabeth Knup (Country Director (China), Ford Foundation)

    Elizabeth Knup

    Country Director (China), Ford Foundation

    Elizabeth focuses her programmatic work on developing stronger ties between China and the rest of the world in the not-for-profit, education, and business sectors. She has worked at the National Committee on US-China Relations, focusing on the Committee’s work in education, environment, and social development, and served as the American Co-Director of the Hopkins-Nanjing Center.

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  • Xingzui Wang (Executive Vice President, China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation)

    Xingzui Wang

    Executive Vice President, China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation

    Wang Xingzui is the Executive Vice President of the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA), one of the oldest and largest NGOs in China and one of the few with overseas operations. He has over two decades of experience in rural development and poverty alleviation. He is also dedicated to promoting transparency, unity, and collaboration in the Chinese NGO sector.Mr. Wang is a 2013 Yale World Fellow and has a MBA from Renmin University of China.

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  • Julie Broussard (Country Programme Manager, UN Women China Office)

    Julie Broussard

    Country Programme Manager, UN Women China Office

    She is also Chair of the UN Theme Group on Gender, a forum that advocates for gender equality in the work of the UN System and wider donor community.

    As Head of the UN Women China office, Ms. Broussard oversees a variety of programs addressing gender & corporate social responsibility, gender dimensions of climate change and natural disasters, eliminating gender-based violence, women’s economic participation, and women’s political participation and leadership. Through the UN, she works closely with a variety of government institutions, including several ministries and the All China Women's Federation. Before coming to UN Women, she worked for UNFPA, UNESCO, and the World Bank.

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  • Hanzhi Zhang (Founder of the charity orchestra Music for Love)

    Hanzhi Zhang

    Founder of the charity orchestra Music for Love

    Zhang Hanzhi was born in 1990 in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province. She has been learning the erhu since she was six years old, and studied at the Central Conservatory of Music. During her school years, she performed on tour in Taiwan with a team of eight solo erhu players called “Angels’ Songs from the North,” representing their university. She also has given performances in Germany, Andorra, and Spain as a guest erhu solo player with the Ministry of Culture.

    Zhang founded the Chinese orchestra Music for Love in 2011. After starting her cultural consulting firm Rejoice in Beijing, she was awarded “Star of Entrepreneurship” in China for her business. Her company produced a music video “Reject Secondhand Smoking,” winning the Best Case in Micro-Communication Competition for Anti-Smoking, and the music video was distributed in subway TVs throughout Beijing. Zhang was also invited to Health Talk as a guest speaker and recorded a program called “Let Music Go into Loneliness.”

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  • Cheng Bai (Member of Music for Love)

    Cheng Bai

    Member of Music for Love

    Only 19 years old, Bai Cheng is a positive and energetic musician. He has a variety of interests including playing the piano, dancing, painting, and doing sports.

    Cheng is a hard-working artist who aspires to greatness. He is incredibly self-disciplined in practicing piano and painting, living a healthy and routine life. He plays the piano for three hours in the morning, practices painting for three hours, and continues playing the piano for two hours in the afternoon if he does not have classes. He cares a lot for his younger brother and enjoys cooking meals and snacks for him. Cheng’s dream is to one day support himself and his family by playing the piano.

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  • Austin Zhang (Co-Founder, ofo)

    Austin Zhang

    Co-Founder, ofo

    Austin Zhang is the Co-Founder of ofo, the world’s first “non-docking” bicycle-sharing platform. He is in charge of risk management and quality management. Overseeing a team that worked with brand marketing, data strategy and operation management, Zhang helped ofo expand to more than 100 cities and obtain over 100 million registered users. ofo's vision is to become a transportation-sharing platform with global reach.

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  • Andrew Shirman (Co-Founder, Education in Sight, Mantra)

    Andrew Shirman

    Co-Founder, Education in Sight, Mantra

    Andrew is a Beijing-based social entrepreneur. While spending two years volunteer teaching in the countryside of China, he noticed many of his poorest-performing students suffered from poor vision. To help his students see clearly, he started a small project to help his students get glasses that would eventually grow to become Education In Sight.
    Since 2012, Education In Sight has delivered over 20,000 eyeglasses to low-income students from China’s countryside. In 2015, looking for more sustainable ways to create social impact, Andrew co-founded China’s first buy one, donate one eyewear brand, Mantra.

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  • Veronica Li (Co-Founder, Raising Culture)

    Veronica Li

    Co-Founder, Raising Culture

    Veronica Li graduated from Stanford University with a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and International Relations, as well as a Master's degree in Sociology. She was a researcher at the United Nations Headquarters in charge of the reform of the international judicial system.Veronica also worked at K12, the largest online education group in the United States, and is well versed in American educational philosophy and development. After moving back to Beijing, Veronica co-founded an education startup, Raising Culture, focused on working with public schools and school districts to incorporate 21st century skills into the school curriculum. Veronica has recently transitioned into education investment.

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  • Sheng Zhong (Co-Founder, Bottledream)

    Sheng Zhong

    Co-Founder, Bottledream

    Zhong Sheng began her career as a journalist, working for Cityzine Magazine and writing many cover stories for Portrait Magazine. She was also the Associate Publisher of Owspace, a famous bookstore in Beijing. During her six years as a journalist, she saw a China undergoing tremendous change, an experience that moved her to create a “citizen society.”

    After five years, BottleDream has become a popular social innovation media in China. Zhong has covered about 400 young changemakers’ stories all over the world, inspiring young people in China to solve social problems creatively.

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  • Daniel Zhang (Founder, P8; VP, Broad Group)

    Daniel Zhang

    Founder, P8; VP, Broad Group

    Daniel Zhang is an architect, writer, and entrepreneur. With his production of a series of viral videos for Broad Sustainable Buildings (rapid high-rise construction technologies), Daniel introduced to the world his father's invention: the world's fastest, largest, and tallest steel modular housing constructions to date. With sustainability as the key message, they together believe these are the only solution to the challenges of human urbanization on every continent.

    Trained as an architect at Carnegie Mellon University, Daniel continued his doctorates in India and Germany. In 2016, he and his life-long partner, Angela, began an “experimental intentional community,” beginning in Changsha, China with an eight-story vertical community called P8.

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Morning Program Only
Standard Price RMB 60
Afternoon Program Only
Standard Price RMB 60

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